A Farewell to Bob and Carolyn Keating

Last night, before a packed house in the Gunfighter Pub, the High Sky Wing said farewell to LTC and Mrs Bob Keating (USAF ret).  The Keatings are heading back home to Ohio after a long stay in the Permian Basin.  Bob, who flew F-100’s in Vietnam, has been a major factor in the success of the wing.  Without his leadership, experience and training, it is doubtful that we would have progressed so far in so short a time.  A special thanks goes out to his wonderful bride, Carolyn, for putting up with him all these years, and for letting him give his all for the benefit of the High Sky Wing.

Bob, thank you for your service to us and to your country.  You will be missed.


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Farewell Party for Carolyn and Bob Keating


Please join us on Saturday, May 20th from 6:30-???? in the Ready Room of the Commemorative Center for a going away party for the Keatings.  They have been an integral part of our wing for many years and this is our opportunity to show our appreciation. Dress is casual; please bring snacks.

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CEO Steve Brown Updates the HSW

CAF CEO Steve Brown flew in from Dallas yesterday to attend the monthly HSW membership meeting, and brought us up to date on happenings at HQ.  In addition to providing several fundraising ideas, he reported that the CAF is in good financial shape and that the development of the museum in Dallas is well under way.  From the “fly-through” video Steve presented, it is apparent that this new Aviation Attraction will be much more than your average museum.  Stay tuned for more developments as they are released.

CEO Steve Brown addresses the April membership meeting.

CEO Steve Brown addresses the April membership meeting.


Current CAF information provided by Steve Brown

Current CAF information provided by Steve Brown

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Warbirds & Wheels 2017 is in the books.

The 2017 version of  Warbirds & Wheels wrapped up Saturday afternoon with the traditional presentation ceremony.  Media coverage was provided by both Channels 2 & 9. Trophies were hand-crafted by HSW member Randy Skinner, and  Steve Clinton acted as Master of Ceremonies. Thanks to all, including coordinator Bill Coombes, for all the hours of hard work that went into staging the event.

There were a number of competing events in the area on Saturday, and while the show wasn’t as well attended as in past years, we did manage to turn a profit thanks to sponsorship by HSW member Blake Cowart and his Village Car Wash business.  Thanks, Blake.

Jay Juarez accepts the Best in Show trophy from Channel 9 personality Jolina Okazaki.

Jay Juarez accepts the Best in Show trophy from Channel 9 personality Jolina Okazaki.

HSW members Paul Latham and Paul "Buffy" Cooper admire the winner of "Best in Show" at the 2017 Warbirds & Wheels Car, Truck and Motorcycle Show.  The 1938 Ford wrecker is owned by Jay Juarez.

HSW members Paul Latham and Paul “Buffy” Cooper admire the winner of “Best in Show” at the 2017 Warbirds & Wheels Car, Truck and Motorcycle Show. The 1938 Ford wrecker is owned by Jay Juarez.

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High Sky Wing supports Riders4Fighters event

Riders4Fighters, one of our fellow non-profits, holds a “wave-off” event about once per calendar quarter to honor those wounded warriors who are being treated to a weekend fishing trip by Reel Thanx.  R4F forms a cheering section, complete with flags and horses, along their route through Midland.

Among those who supported the March 10 wave-off were HSW members, Doug and Barbara Bevins, and Ralph and Carol Gillette.  Many thanks to them for their continuing support of patriotic causes in the Permian Basin.

R4F 3-10-17

(Click on photo to enlarge)


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