Hops & Props 2017 April 8

Hops & Props 2017 Date by Dominos CMYKHops n Props 2017 flyer

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Wing Meeting…a little different this month

If you missed the February Wing Meeting, you lost out on a couple of opportunities.  To mix things up a little bit, Wing Leader Brent Collins asked that members bring any WWII or military artifacts with them for display, and a number of members filled up the tables provided with personal or family articles that they shared with those in attendance.  The idea was well received and the feeling was that this was something we would like to do again.

Wayne Ritchie (l to r), Brent Collins and Kyle Meroney look over one of the artifact displays provided by members at the February Wing Meeting.

Wayne Ritchie (l to r), Brent Collins and Kyle Meroney look over one of the artifact displays provided by members at the February Wing Meeting.

The other thing that was a little different this month was the staff reports.  Instead of having staff officers present their reports individually,  Brent asked Greg Gutting to present them in the form of a media broadcast and to insert a little humor.  Well, he did simulate a media broadcast and he did insert a little humor (very little), to an otherwise slow-moving aspect of the meeting.

Show up next month…who knows what will happen?

Next Wing Meeting March 23

A few other quick items:

The monthly Rides Day is scheduled for Saturday, March 11.   While we do have some aircraft undergoing maintenance, the T-28 and the SNJ are up and running.

Spread the word.

The Warbirds & Wheels annual car show will be held on Saturday, March 18 in the main hangar.  We are still looking for entrants, so if you know anyone who is interested, have them contact Bill Coombes, snj24@att.net

Spread the word.

The MAAF Museum is staying busy. We have a number of items available (for an appropriate donation); including post cards featuring our CAF aircraft, some die cast model planes, t-shirts and books. On Friday, Feb 24, the Museum hosted a small group of students from Bynum School and not only were they very inquisitive, they also left us a donation. While the MAAFM is only open on Saturday’s from 10-3, we will accommodate special groups any day of the week, by appointment.

Spread the word.

The Museum Committee will be making multiple presentations on April 15: the FCC Eggstravaganza(to be presented by H.A. Tuck and Lyle Thornton) and The Permian Historical Society (to be presented by Greg Gutting and Brent Collins). Hopefully these presentations will go far to helping to establish the HSW and the MAAFM in the minds of the Permian Basin community, and will result in more attendance and more donations.

Spread the word.


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Look What’s Coming Back!

2017 car show-1To enter your vehicle, print the application and mail to the address indicated.

2017 car show-2


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2017 Awards Banquet Welcomes New Staff

The 2017 Annual Awards Banquet was held Friday night, Jan 13, in O’Brian Hall in the Commemorative Center and was well attended. Staff members for the 2017-2018 term were introduced and while most of the faces were familiar, some jobs did change.  Brent Collins has moved from Adjutant to Wing Leader and Julie Reneau was elected to the position of Adjutant.

Outgoing Wing Leader Gena Linebarger, who has served for the last four years, was given a standing ovation for her dedication, leadership and hard work. She was also presented with some gifts of appreciation by her staff.

The Colonel of the Year award, normally only given to one recipient, was presented to H.A. Tuck, Greg Gutting and Lyle Thornton for their dedication to the Midland Army Air Field Museum.

Ryan Linebarger was presented with the Spirit of the Eagle award for his commitment to researching, arranging for the purchase of, and installing the new lighting system in the main hangar.

UTPB Students in Philanthropy student Alex Rathbun reported on the  Merry and Bright vendor fair held in the main hangar in early December.  She was enthusiastic about continuing the fair this year and thanked the HSW for their assistance in making the fair successful.

Members and guests enjoy the 2017 Awards Banquet: (l to r): Elise Coombes, Alex Rathbun, Heather Echols, Alex Rathbun, John Echols and Daniel Rathbun

Members and guests enjoy the 2017 Awards Banquet: (l to r): Elise Coombes, Alex Rathbun, Heather Echols, Garrett Rathbun, John Echols and Daniel Rathbun

Outgoing Wing Leader Gena Linebarger addresses the membership.

Outgoing Wing Leader Gena Linebarger addresses the membership.

 2016 HSW Staff members: (l to r) Gena Linebarger, Wing Leader; Michael Clinton, Executive Officer; Steve Clinton, Operations Officer; Mark Haskin, Maintenance Officer; Brent Collins, Adjutant; Steve Bolin, Finance Officer; Ryan Linebarger, Safety Officer.

2016 HSW Staff members: (l to r) Gena Linebarger, Wing Leader; Michael Clinton, Executive Officer; Steve Clinton, Operations Officer; Mark Haskin, Maintenance Officer; Brent Collins, Adjutant; Steve Bolin, Finance Officer; Ryan Linebarger, Safety Officer.

2017-2018 Staff (l to r): Michael Clinton, Executive Officer; Steve Clinton, Operations Officer; Julie Reneau, Adjutant; Brent Collins, Wing Leader; Mark Haskin Maintenance Officer; Steve Bolin, Finance Officer; Ryan Linebarger, Safety Officer.

2017-2018 Staff (l to r): Michael Clinton, Executive Officer; Steve Clinton, Operations Officer; Julie Reneau, Adjutant; Brent Collins, Wing Leader; Mark Haskin Maintenance Officer; Steve Bolin, Finance Officer; Ryan Linebarger, Safety Officer.

Co-receipients of the Colonel of the Year award, (l to r) H.A. Tuck, Greg Gutting and Lyle Thornton

Co-recipients of the Colonel of the Year award, (l to r) H.A. Tuck, Greg Gutting and Lyle Thornton

Ryan Linebarger accepts the Spirit of the Eagle Award from Wing Leader, Gena Linebarger.

Ryan Linebarger accepts the Spirit of the Eagle Award from Wing Leader, Gena Linebarger.

UTPB student Alex Rathbun reports on the successful Merry and Bright Fair held in the HSW hangar on Dec 10.

UTPB student Alex Rathbun reports on the successful Merry and Bright Fair held in the HSW hangar on December 10.

Executive Officer Michael Clinton (l) and 2017-2018 Wing Leader Brent Collins, present outgoing Wing Leader Gena Linebarger with gifts of appreciation.

Executive Officer Michael Clinton (l) and 2017-2018 Wing Leader Brent Collins, present outgoing Wing Leader Gena Linebarger with gifts of appreciation.

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Raffle Winner Claims His Prize

Mr. Chris Fierro was the lucky winner of the High Sky Wing raffle.  He is shown proudly displaying his prize, a commemorative Henry 30-30 rifle.  With him were (L to R) Steve Bolin, Michael Clinton, Steve Clinton, Brent Collins and Bob Potter.

The was the Wing’s first attempt at a raffle, and while final numbers aren’t yet available,  Steve Bolin, Finance Officer, reports that it was definitely worth the effort.  Thanks to all members who sold tickets and made it a successful venture.


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