Join Us for the 2016 Memorial Day Observance

The High Sky Wing continues its tradition of observing Memorial Day with free admission to the new Midland Army Air Field Museum, cockpit tours, airplane rides, food trucks, and kid-friendly attractions, on Monday, May 30th.   The Lee High School JROTC color guard will present the colors, Midland City Council member Sharla Hotchkiss will be a guest speaker, and the Sun Country Gentlemen will perform the National Anthem.  The High Sky Wing will conduct a Missing Man fly-over at the conclusion of the ceremony.

The doors will open at 10:00 am, with the ceremony beginning at noon, and will close at 3:00 pm.  Rides will be sold on the CAF’s A-26 Invader attack bomber, as well as other WW II era aircraft operated by the High Sky Wing.

The A-26 Invader will make an appearance at the Memorial Day Observance.

The A-26 Invader will make an appearance at the Memorial Day Observance.

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HSW Members Participate in Wave-Off

On Friday, May 13, Riders4Fighters held a wave-off to honor wounded military heroes who were on their way to a weekend fishing trip sponsored by Reel Thanx.  Michael Clinton and Barbara Bevins represented the HSW. While this was Michael’s first experience with a wave-off, Barbara and her Lee HS Junior ROTC cadets have been faithful participants many times.  Thanks to you both.

HSW Executive Officer Michael Clinton meets with Paula Northcutt and "Cougar" prior to the Riders4Fighters wave-off for wounded heroes, on their way to a weekend of fishing, sponsored by Reel Thanx.

HSW Executive Officer Michael Clinton meets with Paula Northcutt and “Cougar” prior to the Riders4Fighters wave-off for wounded heroes, on their way to a weekend of fishing, sponsored by Reel Thanx.

HSW Executive Officer Michael Clinton participates in the Riders4Fighters wave off on Friday, May 13. Wounded active duty military are treated to a weekend fishing trip sponsored by Reel Thanx about four times a year, and Riders4Fighters organizes a big send off for them.

HSW Executive Officer Michael Clinton participates in the Riders4Fighters wave off on Friday, May 13. Wounded active duty military are treated to a weekend fishing trip sponsored by Reel Thanx about four times a year, and Riders4Fighters organizes a big send off for them.

HSW member, and Lee HS JROTC Commander, Barbara Blevins, helps distribute breakfast burritos to her cadets and others who participated in the Riders4Fighters wave off on Friday morning.

HSW member, and Lee HS JROTC Commander, Barbara Bevins, helps distribute breakfast burritos to her cadets and others who participated in the Riders4Fighters wave off on Friday morning.

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Museum in Need of Docents


The April Wing Meeting took place last night and the highlight was a tour of our wonderful Midland Army Air Field Museum.  Members became familiar with exhibits and artifacts during an educational tour led by Brent Collins, who was one of the prime “movers and shakers” in getting our museum off the ground…so to speak.

The museum is open every Saturday from 10:00 am – 3:00 pm, and the tour was held to help recruit new docents.  Opening and closing procedures were covered, as were topics to address with our visitors, including encouraging donations.  Currently H.A. Tuck and Greg Gutting, with assistance from Lyle Thornton and Randy Wilson, have been shouldering most of the burden on Saturday’s; but they can’t always be there, and some other volunteers are needed to fill in the gaps.  The shifts run from 9:30-12:30 and from 12:30 to about 3:30.  There may be an occasional need to escort small groups around the museum as well, and your help will be much appreciated at those times.

If you are interested in volunteering, contact Brent Collins ( or Michael Clinton ( for more information.  While knowledge of our aircraft and our museum displays is beneficial, it is not a requirement to become a docent.  On Saturday mornings there are plenty of members in the hangar that can answer any questions you, or our visitors, might have.

This is your opportunity to become more involved in our wing.  Contact Brent or Michael today.

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Calendar Issues

There are some changes to some upcoming calendar events.  The changes will be posted on the calendar, but in the meantime please be advised:

The Temple Air Show is scheduled for May 6,7, & 8

The Corsicana Air Show is scheduled for May 14

The Burnet Air Show has been changed to Sept 10, due to runway construction.

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Hops & Props 2016 Is Ready for YOU!

Tonight is the night for Hops & Props 2016.  The High Sky Wing crew has been working tirelessly to get the main hangar ready for one of the best parties in Midland.  Come out tonight and join us for lots of beer, live music, silent auction and more.

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